Listening To My Inner Voice
I want to express myself. Yesterday, I had so much pinned up anger towards my upstairs neighbor who enjoys playing his music so loud that it comes through my ceiling walls. Rarely do I enjoy it. It reminded me of so many times that I lived with my Dad who use to play his music so loud that it was hard to do homework. It was selfish I felt at the time. I forgive him now because he didn’t know that this would effect me later in life.
I recently read in Lesson 60 in the Course In Miracles this morning that forgiveness is how we reach God. Forgiveness is for us. Forgiveness is for me. To release the anger and to raise my vibrational frequency. That vibrational frequency of pure, unfiltered, Divine Love.
Letting Go
These lessons I’m learning I have taken full responsibility for my healing. I had four therapist, in the last four years, and none of the gave of a prescription or advice of loving myself. Why? We in our culture keep religion and state separate.
I’ve spent must of my adult live chasing wealth and money. And when it arrives in my bank account, am I more happy? Never have been. So I would go out and try and get more. Now, I have an apartment full of things that I’ve acquired, books I’ll never read, all for what I ask? And now, I’m in the process of letting it all go again to be free. It’s weighing me down. Now I know how Gandhi must have felt; Why he died with very little worldly possessions.