A Need To Express Myself
There over the last few days I have had a need to express myself. Recently in a book that I was studying grammar in, it said in the very beginning, that you learn English in school because not knowing English will provide a handicap to your ability to express yourself. That was my issue. I needed to express my thoughts on paper without feeling judged.
I really want to write and record what has been happening to me publicly. Not in the sense that I’m looking for approval, but for the mere idea that I can have somewhere publicly, I can go back to thoughts I was thinking and draw from those ideas book ideas.
Yesterday Life Expereince
This is really hard. I felt like I had finally put the pieces to the puzzle of life together. Wanting approval. Wanting to be loved. It wasn’t possible until I learned to love myself. So that is where I started the day. I listened to an audiobook I had in my library called The Self-Love Workbook. I brought out my notebook and listened to it as if I was a college student. Stopping and starting. Writing down key points that resonated with me. Lines that I could go back to without relistening to audiobook.
From there, there was the listening to channeled spirits on the podcast, Next Level Soul. It as Saint Germaine. It was something in that interview that made me realize that I already have the answers. Why am I waiting for someone to show me the answers like in school? I can tap into what I already know. This is the reason for me writing this freestyle blog post. This will be daily. But the reason why is because no one is going to to knock on my door and tell me, “Ok, Eric”, this is what you need to do to express yourself.” The idea did come from a book I have called, “Writing Without Teachers”. But my inner voice is what I listened to.
Freewriting Exercise
Freewriting is supposed to be unfiltered without stopping. That is what is suggested to do in the book. However, I’ve learned that I can give myself permission to change things that best service me. As long as I’m putting down my thoughts as they come out I can correct them the mistakes along the way. I don’t want to see bad writing or incorrect spelling of words when I can edit. That was suggested. Don’t edit. But here’s the thing. That was written probably when she was using paper and pen in a classroom or workshop. I’m writing a blog using a keyboard. I do, and will find a typing program to improve my typing skills. That is not a suggestion that the book offered. So, this is why I can do it my own way.
Automatic Writing
I feel, or had a sense that this is what writing is all about. It’s a more spiritual journey to express what is inside you. And who is to even question that what I want to come out and share, even in writing that it has to be perfect? No one. I am the artist. I am the spirit that want to express himself. I am the one on this journey and I don’t need permission from anyone.